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Showing posts from April, 2016

How to fix a pull in your woven wrap

How to fix a pull in a woven wrap      If you are just joining us. Welcome!!! Welcome to the best blog you will ever read, (hehe). We are currently doing a blog series called "How to care and fix that woven wrap of yours".  The first post was an introduction and gave you the run down on how to care for your woven wrap . From washing to ironing.      Our second post in this series was focused on "How to fix Thread Shifting" in a woven wrap. In that post I walked you thru both in photos and text how to treat and fix thread shifting.       Today we are going to focus on how to fix a pull in a woven wrap. A pull in a woven wrap is very common and to be honest so common it would be rare for someone not to have ever had one or get one during their babywearing journey. Pulls can very easily happen, anything from a broken nail to just taking it out of the package and it catching on just the right thing...