You just received your wrap, but it's not as soft, floppy and cuddly as you were hoping for? Don't despair! I remember when I purchased my first woven wrap years ago, after wrapping with a Moby for awhile. I was a bit shocked at how crunchy and stiff it was. I almost gave up on wrapping, thinking that it wasn't for me (lol, imagine that!) At the time, I had no wrapper friends locally so I'd never felt what a woven wrap was supposed to feel like and I was disappointed to be quite honest. Long story short, I sold that woven and purchased an old used Didymos Paul. It was love at first feel! Paul was everything I dreamt woven wraps would be, moldable, cuddly and soft like a baby blanket. I started purchasing other wovens and found that I really enjoyed the "breaking in" process of it. It's interesting to see how the fibers and the tactile of the threads change throughout time. Okay, but how do you get it to change? There are seve...
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